Sunday 7 February 2016

The Puppies are Home

Congratulations to all the New Families

It was hard to say good-bye, they were a very special bunch of beautiful puppies, but we couldn't be more thrilled about their new homes. We absolutely love your many e-mails, pictures, videos, and texts! All the puppies are doing amazingly well and bringing so much joy to their new families. Here are a few high lights to share...

Getting them ready to go!

Diesel and Tucker are being showered with love in their new home, brothers forever!
Nice work on this shot, book ends!

Pekoe loving life with his new family, especially his best bud Issac
One of our fav's... sleeping buddies

Runa is being as sweet as ever cuddling up with her new family
Oh the love!

Willow is fitting right in with her new large weiner dog family
Fitting in like a bug in a rug!
And stealing all the toys

And now we get to rest... for a little while

We'd also love to see you next year at WienerFest on June 25 2016 in Embro, Ontario 

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